A photo of the author, Nicoletta, pictured in a pink rococo dress with gloves and fan, her dark hair piled high and a tiara on her brow.

Nicoletta Giuseffi is a pansexual English language professor and princess under glass. She writes fantasy and horror, with work appearing in Moonflowers & Nightshade and Mother: Tales of Love and Terror, which was nominated for a 2022 Bram Stoker Award. She also appears on horror recipe blog Deathcap & Hemlock, TL;DR Press’ Through the Grinder, Darkly, and has fiction forthcoming in Fabulist Magazine. She received the Elegant Literature Prize in December, 2022.

She is currently querying a sapphic speculative horror novel while editing a recently finished fairy tale romance manuscript.

Her passions include photography, retro media and hardware, and the late 18th century.